Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Brunch

The photos for this are not the greatest, so I apologize. It was a pretty "by the seat of my pants" brunch in comparison to my typical "planning" nature. I think I had just come back from a nice Thanksgiving break and rather than get organized and plan, I dove right into work and spent the rest of my free time socializing with everyone I missed while I was out of town! So, I'm ashamed to admit that as of 2am the morning of the brunch, my Christmas tree was up in my living room - with no lights or decorations, my table wasn't set and I didn't even have napkins! I did, however, have all of the food prepared (with the help of my amazing roommate!) and in the fridge...ready to pop in the oven. That's my kind of brunch :).  So, I went to bed at 3:30, slept until 7:30 and then got up to get to work!  In 3 short hours we decorated the tree, purchased napkins, decorated the table and put the food in the oven so that by the time the guests arrived - it was ready to go!

I should have taken better pictures of the centerpiece...although in the moment it wasn't my proudest work, so I didn't feel the need to focus on it.  Well, regardless of that, it's a good concept to use when you just need to "use what you have" and make it work.  I took a bouquet of flowers from Wal-mart and cut the stems off of each bud.  I then used my water glasses/tumblers, placing the flowers underneath (somewhat of a "magnify" effect) and around them - and then put some votives on top.  You could do this with stemware or any type of glassware (colored glass would be even more amazing!) and it gives a nice, simple, and most importantly...cost-effective centerpiece.  Not the most glamorous, but it worked!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pilgrim Hats

While visiting my family in Arizona over Thanksgiving, my cutie-patootie nieces and nephew had only one bake with Aunt Trishie. Now, I'll be honest, I was a bit "baked out" from my own Thanksgiving the previous week and then the "real" Thanksgiving while I was visiting...but seriously, how could you say no to those sweet faces?! I was more than happy to do a fun little baking project with them. We created "Pilgrim Hats" of sorts. I'm sure if you used a chocolate cookie it would be a little more realistic, but I'm a sucker for a peanut butter cookie (and it also washes out of clothes a little easier ;)). We all tied on our aprons and went to work...dumping, mixing, rolling, smashing...meanwhile trying desperately not to lick the cookie-dough-goodness off our fingers. Seeing them enjoy their "hard work" after those cookies came out of the oven...priceless.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner Party

Before I left for Thanksgiving with my family, I decided to host my own dinner party with friends.  Rather than trying to prepare the full meal while working a 40-hour week, I was in charge of the turkey and desserts and each guest brought a side dish.  Sadly, I don't have any photos of the food other than the pies (but let me tell you - it was all delicious!), but thought I'd share a few pictures* from the table spread.  Enjoy!!


*all photos courtesy of Lauren Blair photography

Pumpkin Sticky Rolls Recipe

Better late than never? :)  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pumpkin Sticky Rolls

For those of you that are fans on facebook, I'm a little embarrassed to finally be posting this after such a long delay! (hanging head in shame.)  I apologize for disappearing for so long as well.  Unfortunately Frilly Milly is just an "on the side" gig and quite often my full-time job takes up, well, my "full time" :).  We've been in the midst of a major project and although I've enjoyed it, I have to admit that it's been consuming any "creative juice" I might have.  The good news is that my absolute FAVORITE season has (finally!) arrived after a blistering hot summer, and with Autumn comes not only my favorite colors and smells, but some of my favorite foods too!

In honor of the beginning of fall (and my new bread maker :)) it was absolutely necessary to bake something that contained pumpkin.  Mmm, mmm, mmm!!  There are SO many options of things to create with pumpkin, but for whatever reason I've had a slight obsession with cinnamon rolls as of late.  I'm going to go ahead and tell you that this may be the first of many varieties to come (that is, if any of the others turn out :)).  I'm particuarly a fan of the "sticky roll" version of a cinnamon roll because I love the caramel-like goey-ness to it.  I would even go as far to say that I would not be opposed to putting cream cheese icing on TOP of a sticky roll and making the best of both worlds!  I may very well collapse in a sugar coma upon the first bite, but it would be totally worth it.


Anyway, back to pumpkin. Pumpkin goes great with a lot of things, but cinnamon, caramel and pecans definitely have a love affair with it.  So...I went to work and created a pumpkin dough that is not necessarily a "sweet" dough to make up for the fact that it will be covered in brown sugar, butter, cinnamon and pecans.


Let me just tell you, it worked.  It worked so well in fact, that I've made them twice already!  Hey, I had leftover pumpkin from the first batch, what was I supposed to do?? :)  I typed up the recipe but haven't laid it out in a printable form yet, so check back in the next day or so and I should have that up (although as you can already see, I'm a "wordy" person, so I need to go back and simplify it so it doesn't look quite so overwhelming - it's really not!).  Also, as I mentioned before, I let my bread machine do the bulk of the word, so my recipe is geared toward that, but I will write up a little "if you don't have a bread's how to change the recipe to work" blurb to help you out!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Frilly Milly has an Etsy store!!

I stayed up into the wee hours of the night finally setting up my Etsy store!  There's only 2 items in the store right now, but I have hopes of uploading quite a few items before the end of the weekend (emphasis on hopes :)).  I'm still figuring out how all of this stuff works, so bear with me while I learn.  In the meantime, jump on over to the store and add it to your favorites!  If you're new to Etsy altogether - sign up!  It's like a virtual craft fair meets a flea market...and yet it's all tidy and nicely organized :). 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Stuff I Really Want :)

I love that in the past year, women's camera bags have gone to a whole new level with brands such as Epiphanie, Jo Totes and many others!  I love them all, I really do, but if I were to have a favorite based on my own personal preference and style, it would have to be Kelly Moore.  I would buy this hobo bag just to carry as a purse!  Add the camera carrying functionality and this just became my new best friend.  I need it...and a new pair of shoes to match :).  Then, of course, I'll need a new bag for each season...and more shoes...hmm...this could become a really expensive habit!  Maybe Kelly will let me plan a Frilly Milly party for her in exchange for a bag?? 

One can always dream... :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Christmas in September!

I know it seems a little soon to even think about Christmas, but time moves quickly and before you know it you'll be sending out your Christmas cards and decorating your house!  You might even throw a beautiful party with all sorts of festive treats!  Why not get a head start and order your family Christmas cards now?!  Here are just a few examples of cards I've designed over the past few years.  If you're interested in a custom design, shoot me an email and let me know!


That said, I promise I'm not going to skip past my FAVORITE season and all of the fun decorating and baking that goes along with it!  Autumn posts will come, don't you worry!! :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A picture says a thousand words...or twenty-two...

My college friend and co-worker just had her first baby on Thursday.  This little guy has been a calm one pretty much throughout the whole pregnancy.  I told Rachel that he was going to take his time coming out (which he did!) and that I think he's going to be a snuggly guy.  I guess it's too soon to tell, but when I held little Weston at the hospital yesterday he seemed quite snuggly to me!

I wanted to bring something to Brandon & Rachel at the hospital in celebration of Weston's arrival, but didn't want to go the traditional route of flowers figuring they might already have quite a few arrangements.  I had seen this concept on a website a while back (I wish I could remember and would give due credit if I could!!!), so I can't take full credit for it.  I'm just old-fashioned in the way that I'd rather give you something I spent time making than something I purchased from a store.  Plus, when you've got a new family member, I think it's always fun to see their name in writing :).

I had leftover craft paper from the LumberJack & Jill shower, so I made use of that and some twine for gift wrap, then picked up the letter "W" at JoAnn's to dress it up.  I apologize for the poor pictures/lighting...I was in a hurry and wanted to make sure I at least captured it before I gave it away :).

So there you have it!  If you have a friend that's having a baby or getting married - this is a fun way to celebrate their special day!  All it takes is a computer, some paper, and a picture frame & mat and you are good to go!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LumberJack & Jill Part II: Photobooth

The host & hostess of the night, Josh & Lauren 
The soon-to-be newlyweds, Jason & Chelsea
Just a few shots of other guests from the evening...

and last but not least...the cameraman himself, Ian!

To view the rest of the photos from the evening, hop on over to Frilly Milly's facebook page using the link on the right!

Monday, August 9, 2010

LumberJack & Jill Part I

Whew!  We did it!  This party required a lot of "collecting" and prep work, but in the end, we pulled it off!  This is just a teaser of what's still to come!  I'll post detailed pics that go into the specific elements sometime in the next week, as well as other elements of the party that are not featured in this shot.  Overall I think it turned out great, but most importantly, the couple and everyone in attendance really loved it!  In the end, that's what it's all about!  BIG shout out to Lauren, the party hostess, for all her help, as well as my friend Ian at IGCPhotography for taking all the pics (including the one above). it too late to change the title of this party? :)  The funny thing is - the forest theme is what inspired the whole concept, but in the end, I think the more appropriate title is "LumberJack & Jill".  What do you think?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gadget, Gizmos and Stuff I Really Want :)

I've recently discovered a brilliant company called Joseph Joseph.  Started by twin brothers, Joseph Joseph specializes in contemporary kitchenware that is not only incredibly functional, but stylish as well.  I love their entire set of Elevate kitchen utensils, but my favorite item is definitely the Adjustable Rolling Pin pictured above.  At only $20, how could you pass up such an amazing tool?  I know it's going on my wish list...along with every other item on their website.  Check 'em out!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Check It Out!

I'm going to try to do a "check it out" post every so often to just share various vendors, resources, and inspiration that I run across.  Today's spotlight is on a company called Rifle Paper Co.

This is a fun and whimsical company that offers a lot of "hand drawn/hand painted" type of pieces from wall art to recipe cards to invitations and wrapping paper.  Their site isn't completely up and running yet, but I'm pretty sure you'll be visiting time and again to check out all that they offer!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nutella Banana Party-In-Your-Mouth

One word here people: UNREAL!!  I cannot wait to make a million-and-one varieties of these things and throw a party to celebrate them! Yum, yum, YUM!!!

So I'm sitting on the couch last night working on the computer with the tv on in the background.  I think it was on Bravo or something...I don't even know.  I couldn't even tell you what show I was watching other than several chefs were being interviewed about their most unique or favorite food experience at a restaurant.  Some were disguisting, others I don't even remember because honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention.  It was just noise in the background until one guy says the word, "Ebilskivers".  Huh??  Is he speaking in a foreign language?  Well, yeah actually, he is.  Ebilskivers are a beloved treat in their native Denmark.  They are light, puffy pancakes that can be filled with fruit, chocolate, jam or cheese and served for breakfast or as an hors d'oeuvre, dessert or light supper (description courtesy of Williams Sonoma).  As many times as I say "the possibilities are endless!" you must know by now that I love anything that offers me an endless variety of combinations and flavors.

So, I purchased my first Ebilskiver Pan and went to town.  It was incredibly easy to make, and even easier to eat! :)  If I can recommend one thing to you today - it's to go out and get yourself and Ebilskiver pan and start creating!  Just make sure to invite LOTS of people over to eat up these little bites of heaven, because I promise you - once you start, it's awfully hard to stop!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I heart tjmaxx

I mean, who doesn't, right?!  I'm working on my next party - this time it's a couples shower and I have to say, I'm pretty excited about it!!  I made a quick run to tjmaxx over my noon hour and stumbled upon these wooden "baskets".  It was love at first sight!  The ideas start running through my head a mile a minute!  I bought 2 full sets (at $15/set how could I not?!) since I love symmetry and have learned that I should just make a habit of buying things in pairs :).

I also stopped at my new favorite store after work...Goodwill!  The Goodwill by my house is the golden ticket, no joke.  Since I'm somewhat new to the Goodwill experience, I love learning the best way to get an even better deal.  The first Saturday of the month everything is 50% off, orange price tags are 50% off their marked price, and if you spend $25 or more, you get $5 off your purchase!  So, tonight I walked away with 3 amazing picture frames, a mirror, 2 vintage flat sheets, a men's plaid shirt and a wooden pony - all for the party I mentioned above.  Curious how that all goes together?!  Ahhh...just wait and see!  It's gonna be good!!!! :)